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Datawarehouse notes

In a nutshell

You put in a data-warehouse all the data of your enterprise. This data will be imported from diverse sources; and especially operational ones (e.g. the production database of your e-commerce website). 

The goal of a DWH is to offer a single data-model (that usually sits within a relational DB), so that data-analysts can ultimately* create reports about the data, for “business people” (i.e. the decision makers of the company).  

*Please note that data-analysts don’t directly work on the DWH; they work on data-marts. Data-marts are spin-offs of the DWH, but they usually only include a subset of the data, and have their data-models optimized for the specific type of analytics they will be submitted to.

You will periodically load into your DWH data extracted from your many operational-sources. You will then do the same for your data-marts, which are used by data-analysts.
Note that the yellow lines are dotted, because I am hiding some intermediary steps

Benefits of a DWH

·         single point of truth: information about the same object may be contained in many different operational sources, with different attributes for the same business-object (e.g. SURNAME=”Leo” and SURNM=”Leo”), and even sometimes with conflicting values (e.g. 2 sources giving different addresses for the same person). To perform our analysis, we need a single point of truth: the DWH. Hence, before importing data into the DWH, the data will have to be cleaned (e.g. make sure it has the same format and that the format is correct, resolve conflicting values, etc.), and merged (when you have diverse sources containing pieces of information about the same business-object) before being imported into the DWH.

·         Data historization: in a DWH, you keep a history of the values of your data. Hence, if the value of a meaningful (business-wise) attribute is updated, you will also keep its former value.
For instance, if a customer updates his address on your website, the operation DB (OLTP) powering the website will simply perform an UPDATE statement. But during the next import batch to the DWH, you will add/log the new value, while keeping the former.
This means that the data-model of a DWH will necessarily be different from the one in the operational source (as the DWH’s data-model need to be able to log historical values).

·         The data model is designed to provide business-facts to business people, instead of plain data. You will optimize query performance (e.g. use an adequate data model, build the proper indexes, query profiles, set up database parameters) specifically for the purpose of reporting/analytics (while operational systems are optimized for transactional task).

·         You will perform your analytics by reading the data-marts (which receive their data from the DWH), instead of performing your analytics against the operational systems. Hence, your analytics will not induce any performance impact on operational-systems.
Note: sure, performing the extract batches on operational-systems (extracting the data that will ultimately be loaded into the DWH) does reduce the performance of the transactional tasks that are performed at the same time. But you can perform your extracts at night, or against a standby data-source (e.g. a standby DB, set up with Active Data Guard).


You will import the data by performing regular batches, during which you will:

  • ·       extract the data from the different sources (and dump it into a staging area),
  • transform it so that it fits into the data-model of you DWH,
  • load it into your DWH.

You will extract by batches the data from the operational sources, load it into a staging area, and then transform it. Then you will perform the TEL operations again, to move from the staging area to the DWH.
Actually, in this picture, I think there is very little transformation happening at the green-arrows level (ie “on the fly”). Most of the transformations are taking place within the staging area (after being loaded there).

Most of the times, the staging area (called data lake) will rely on an Object Storage cloud service (because it’s cheap, and its low read&write speed is not a problem for such a purpose), instead of a relational DB.



Very often, those operations are done in the following order: Extract, Transform, Load. The extract batches are dumped into a staging-area (which may be implemented thanks to a Hadoop cluster, an object-storage solution, an Informatica PowerCenter, an Oracle DB, etc). As this dumping is very straight forward, we talk about ETL instead of ELTL: i.e. we don’t mention the fact that it required loading the data into the staging area. But the data is indeed loaded two times:

1.       after the extract, it is loaded/dumped into the staging area

2.       after the transform, it is loaded into the DWH.

So it would actually be more accurate to talk about ELTL instead of ETL.


You can locate the staging-area in the same machine as the DWH. Hence the 2nd extract&load (from the staging area to the DWH) will be very fast, as it takes place on the same machine.

When using an Oracle DB as the DWH, you can use PDBs or schemas for the staging area; and transform the data in the staging-area PDBs/schemas before loading it to the DWH PDB/schema.  Such approach will allow to share the memory between the staging-area and the DWH (as they are both part of the same Oracle instance), and hence limit network and disk usage for the communication of both parties. This will dramatically increase the speed of the 2nd extract&load. So instead of calling it ELTL, we call it ELT (this time, it’s the 2nd load that is not mentioned).

Description of the ELT process (Oracle Data Integration's approach). The staging area, DWH, and data-marts could all be in the same Oracle instance, but in different DB schemas.

DWH vs Data-Marts

Data Analysts don’t perform their analytics directly on the DWH. They use data-marts. Here’s why:

·         First of all, the DWH is usually too big to perform your analytics directly on it. It is hard enough to establish a single point of truth, and historize data for your whole company! Hence, data-analysts will usually perform their analysis against data-marts; i.e. subsets of the DWH, which only contain data that is relevant to the department they analyse (e.g. Sales department, HR department).

·         But most of all, in order to perform analytics, the data-model has to be optimized for analytics: you need to use a dimensional modelling (see paragraph about Data Model).

o   The DWH is just too big to be modelled according to a dimensional modelling. The high-degree of de-normalisation of such a modelling would get the DWH out of hand.

o   But most of all, different departments of data-analysts may perform many different types of analytics. Hence the data model has to be adapted for each one of those analytics types. Each of those departments thus need their own “subset of the DWH”, which will be modelled (and partitioned) specifically for their analytics needs.

A Data-mart is more denormalized than a DWH, and it is modelled specifically for specific types of analytics.

Data model

The data-model of a data-marts uses dimensional modelling:

1.       You collaborate with business people to determine what are the relevant business facts (i.e. actions). For instance: sales, employee dismissal, assembling the components of the machine we sell, etc.

2.       You collaborate with them to understand what are the different entities that such a fact involves. Those entities are called dimensions.

Fact Table vs Dimension Table


A star schema, with a Fact Table at the centre, and Dimension Tables all around it.

The fact table is usually the biggest one. Dimension tables are way smaller.

Star schemas and denormalization

Dimensions are usually several tables put together. For instance, the Store dimension would include information from several tables relating to the stores. Doing so requires to denormalize the data-model, meaning that the same data may be repeated several times in the dimension table, and some cells (in the dimension table) will be set to NULL.

This denormalization is the trade-off to accept if you want to have dimensions that include all their pertaining data; thus cutting the need to perform many JOIN operations (which are costly).

Indeed, analytics operations usually analyse a big set of parameters (in other words, it implies massive read operations that are especially broad-reaching). If the data pertaining to a dimension were not assembled together (and thus not denormalized) into a single dimension table, those analytics operations would require many JOINs, which would mean waiting for lots of disk accesses to be performed, before being able to gather a single result (in the resultset). But most of all, it would mean combining the results of the different elements to be joined in a space that is too big for memory, and would thus have to be performed on disk (with pagination).

In an OLTP DB, you would instead normalize the data, because you’d only need to read/write on few specific cells (the ones pertaining to the transaction).

Tuning your data-mart

Bitmap indexes

In order to improve query performance, the DWH-architect will generate DB indexes. With the dimensional data-model, the type of index chosen typically is bitmap indexes.

You generate a bitmap index for each dimension of the star-schema.



However, when using an Exadata for your DWH, a bit map index is made obsolete: indeed, you should instead rely on Exadata’s storage indexes (which are automatically generated; so sit back, relax, and enjoy!).

Horizontal partitioning (also used for DWH)

Partitioning will dramatically increase the speed of the analytics queries that only require to access a few partitions (instead of the whole table).

 Note that hash-partitioning is usually not used with DWHs or data-marts.

You’ll only partition the fact table (partitioning a dimension would most of the times screw-up the JOINs). Usually, you will partition according to the date, as most fact tables contain a date dimension.


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